Album Marin Gherasim
- Cod produs:WST-1763
- Autor: Marin Gherasim
- Editura: Institutul Cultural Roman
68,40 lei
Album Marin Gherasim, reproduceri - editura Institutul Cultural Roman
Selectia cuprinzatoare de reproduceri dupa lucrari apartinand tuturor etapelor de creatie, dublata de un substantial dosar critic, de notele biografice si de numeroase fotografii infatisandu-l pe artist alaturi de oameni si in momente care i-au marcat personalitatea artistica, completate de lista selectiva a eseurilor, studiilor, cronicilor plastice si altor scrieri ce-i poarta semnatura, ilustreaza evolutia artistica a unuia dintre cei mai importanti pictori romani contemporani .
Comprehensive selection of reproductions of works belonging to all the stages of creation, combined with a substantial dossier of critical biographical notes and numerous photographs showing the artist with people and in the moments that have left a mark on his artistic personality, completed by a list of selected essays, studies, chronicles and other writings bearing his signature, illustrates the artistic evolution of one of the most important contemporary Romanian artists.
An aparitie | 2007 |
Coperta | Cartonata |
Nr. pagini | 220 |
Limba | Romana/Engleza |
Cod | 9789735775339 |