Wood Churches in Maramures/ Biserici de lemn din Maramures.
Editie bilingva, cu texte de Teodor Baconsky - editura Artec Impresiones
Part of the collection World Heritage Sites of Humanity in Romania under the patronage of UNESCO. Artec publishing house in Segovia presented in Bucharest the collection of seven albums dedicated to sites in Romania included on UNESCO heritage list, each of the titles is the work of the most prestigious Romanian authors. The albums, already launched in Spain in December 2009, at the Immigrants Fair Integra Madrid, were printed by Segovia-based publishing house under the artistic coordination of Carlos Horcajo and photographs taken by Jose Maria Diez.
Ioana Zlatescu authored the introductions to each of the seven albums – edited with the Romanian Cultural Institute support through Publishing Romania programme and which presents the seven sites declared by UNESCO as part of the universal heritage: “Sighisoara historical center” by Ioana Parvulescu, “Wood churches in Maramures” by Teodor Baconschi, “Fortified churches and settlements in Transilvania” by Emil Hurezeanu, “Horezu Monastery” by Bogdan Tataru Cazaban, “Monasteries in Bucovina” by Neagu Djuvara, “Dacian fortresses in Orastie Mountains” by Simona Sora and “The Danube Delta” by Radu Anton Roman, re¬edited by Catalin C. Constantin.
Presentation of the seven albums took place at UNESCO headquarters in Romania, in the presence of the Ambassador of Spain, Estanislao de Grandes, several members of the Romanian Executive and representatives of United Nations Organization, NATO and diplomatic missions of European and American countries. Pages: 143