Bucharest Monuments,
Narcis Dorin Ion - editura Noi Media Print
Albumul “Monumente din Bucuresti”, avandu-l ca autor pe unul dintre cei mai pasionati istorici ai capitalei noastre prezinta, intr-o maniera plina de savoare si cu ajutorul unei iconografii bogate, de multe ori inedita, cele mai importante repere ale orasului, plecand de la edificiile publice si lacasurile de cult cele mai cunoscute si pana la hanurile care ii adaposteau odinioara pe cei aflati cu diferite treburi prin Bucuresti sau la hotelurile moderne construite la inceput de secol XX. Sunt prezentate de asemene
a cafenele si restaurantele care au creat faima “Micului Paris” dar si monumentele de for public ce preamaresc memoria unor personalitati romanesti. Pe scurt, albumul este o suma de istorii a celor mai vizibile repere bucurestene, suma care echivaleaza cu insasi o istorie a Bucurestiului.
The album "Bucharest Monuments", whose author is one of the most passionate historians of our capital, shows in a manner full of flavor and with the help of a rich iconography, often unique, the most important landmarks of the city, starting from public buildings and religious buildings best known and up to hostels once housing those with different business in Bucharest or at modern hotels built at the beginning of the twentieth century.
Coffee shops and restaurants are also presented, made the name of "Little Paris" as well as public monuments that extol the memory of Romanian personalities. In short, the album is a sum of historical events of the most visible landmarks of Bucharest, that is equal to the city’s history itself.