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Sweet Nightmares

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Sweet Nightmares, Roman Tolici - editura Vellant

Albumul Sweet Nightmares insoteste expozitia omonima a artistului Roman Tolici in spatiul H'art Gallery. Cele 11 lucrari reproduse in carte reprezinta “un experiment mental in care (Roman Tolici) a urmarit sa picteze doar din minte, mai precis sa acceseze acele amintiri/vise si obsesii fundamentale ce i-au populat existenta.” (Dan Popescu)

Distantandu-se de stilistica realista a picturii din ultima perioada a artistului, Sweet Nightmares s-a plasmuit la confluenta dintre straniu si familiar, vis si amintire, verde si rosu./

Sweet Nightmares accompanies the homonymous exhibition of the artist Roman Tolici, in the H’art Gallery. The 11 works reproduced in the book represent "a mental experiment in which (Roman Tolici) has sought to paint only from his imagination, more precise to access those memories / dreams and fundamental obsessions that have populated his existence." (Dan Popescu)

Distancing himself from the realistic painting style of his own latest paintings, Sweet Nightmares has shaped itself at the confluence between strange and familiar, dream and memory, green and red.


An aparitie 2012
Dimensiuni 19,5 x 27,5 cm
Nr. pagini 16
Limba Romana/ Engleza
Cod 978-973-1984-85-8